Well, Well, Well!

As I mentioned previously, the property we bought was rough. We had a lot of work to do. Clearing the land and getting it fenced were at the top of the list. When I said there were a lot of mesquites I was not exaggerating. This land was once beautiful grass lands. The mesquites have been encroaching and taking over for centuries, so I was on a mission to get rid of these trees.
The crew started clearing the fence line first to install the 8ft deer fencing. Deer apparently love grapes. Deer are very expensive to keep out We were still living in Phoenix as all this was taking place. We would come down on weekends and savor the progress. Talk about our vision. Watch the sunsets. Canvas the land.
One morning, during a visit, I was walking through the mesquites when I almost tripped over a piece of metal coming out of the ground. Puzzled, I did what anyone would do: I kicked it. I stared at it for awhile. Then I called Todd over to show him this strange thing I had found in the middle of our property. Sometimes when you least expect it fate smiles on you.
Apparently, we had a well. If the previous owners knew this they did not mention it. If they had known it, I am sure the land would have been much more expensive. Regardless, we had a well. We did not have to install one. The cost saving was huge. We had a well!