Snow Days

As a girl who grew up in Phoenix I am not really keen on cold weather. Since moving to Willcox, which is at 4300 elevation and considered the high desert, I am slowly learning to accept the cold. Most mornings we walk around the the vineyard. We check on the animals, we check for holes in the fences, and we check out the progress of the work being done, daily, on the vineyard, lavender fields and the olive orchards. It is always surprising what changes from day to day.
This morning my path was covered with a good dusting of snow. We don’t get snow often but it is a nice change of pace. Our walks feel different. You can hear the crunching of the snow under your boots and your breathing sounds different because you are all bundled up. The sensation of walking in the snow changes the entire experience, even though you have walked the same path a thousand times. The birds are everywhere. Much more visible in the snow and their calls vibrate through the quiet. The grape vines are also more visible. You can see their skeletons, creating a beautiful sculpture, covered by the snow, as if an artist has purposefully placed the snow in the perfect position to highlight their shape. The Lavender, also covered in white, creates beautiful little mounds of perfection. Their symmetry is hypnotic. The olive trees, being evergreen, dance in the morning breeze causing a frenzy of conflicting colors against the white background of the snow. Spectacular!
Days like these must be enjoyed quickly. Once the sun peeks it head though the clouds it is gone, but amazing while it lasts. Until next time…..