
First come the tulips informing us that spring is here, poking their heads, shyly, out of the soil, testing the weather. Next, the roses which amaze with their first over abundance of blooms. Overwhelming hues of white and pink cascading from the trellis and fences surrounding us in their beauty. The sheer numbers amaze me every morning as I walk through the yard. After the initial bloom of the season, the roses are still spectacular but now content to let the other flowers shine. After the roses the hydrangeas burst into large globes of delicate white tranquility, bringing a sense of awe. The lavender follows the hydrangeas with it’s magnificent purple shoots and flowers. The air is intoxicating and buzzing with life. Truly mesmerizing to watch the lavender fields swaying in the breeze. Finally, the sunflowers raise up their heads and shout “summer time is here.” The grand finale and the grand dame of all the flowers here at Rhumb Line Vineyard. We hope you enjoy the colors and beauty of the summer. Cheers from Willcox!