Things You Should Know About Olive Squalane Oil

What is Olive Squalane Oil?
You have been hearing a lot about Squalane Oil, but what is it? Olive Squalane is a luxurious emollient used in a wide range of cosmetic and personal care products. It is a lightweight, transparent, tasteless, and odorless liquid that reflects the Squalane component of human sebum. It is made using pomace, the left over material from the milling of olives.
Why do you want Squalane in your moisturizer?
Olive Squalane deeply soothes and moisturizes without leaving an oily finish. Olive Squalane flows in between the cells of the epidermis to smooth out and significantly soften the texture of skin. It additionally creates a natural, protective barrier on the skin’s surface to slow down transepidermal water loss.
Which ALL LUV Products contain Olive Squalane Oil?
Here at ALL LUV Natural Products we use Olive Squalane in our Body Oil and in our Body Butter Cream. Try it for yourself. Perfect for everyday use and especially for those dry itchy winter days. Spread some LUV!